Angie Harmon says Instacart driver shot and killed her dog

Angie Harmon is accusing an Instacart delivery driver of shooting and killing her family dog over the weekend. 

The 51-year-old actress took to social media on Monday to say that her beloved family dog Oliver had passed away after a man who was delivering groceries to her North Carolina home shot him.

“Our ring camera was charging in the house, which he saw & then knew he wasnt being recorded,” said Harmon in an Instagram post.  “He shot our dog with my daughters & myself at home & just kept saying, ‘yeah, I shot your dog. Yeah I did.’ We are completely traumatized & beyond devastated at the loss of our beloved boy & family member.”

According to Harmon, when the police arrived, they let the man go because he claimed he shot the dog in “self-defense,” which in North Carolina is legal to do under the law. 

“He did not have a scratch or bite on him nor were his pants torn. He was shopping under a womans identity named Merle,” said Harmon.

In a statement obtained by Scripps News, the delivery company stated that it is investigating the incident.

We were deeply saddened and disturbed to hear about this incident. We have no tolerance for violence of any kind, and the shopper account was immediately suspended from our platform. We have been in direct contact with the customer and are cooperating with law enforcement on their investigation,” Instacart said in the statement. 

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Angie Harmon (@angieharmon)

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